Meet the team
FOCV is a non-profit organization
FOCV is a non-profit organization
Jan has been a business owner since 1989. Her organizational skills are a blessing to our cause. Her leadership and strategic planning has gotten us this far. She is a long time resident of Cedar 49 and very active in the community at large. Her energy is contagious, and her resolve is strong.
Evan has over 29 years of business consulting experience. His knowledge of the inner workings of government agencies and lobbying experience will be crucial skills for our cause. With Evan’s fact-driven approach, he will be vital for shaping our legal strategy. Evan and his lovely wife Jane raised their family Cedar 49.
Adam has been a Respiratory Therapist for 19 years. Adam has seen firsthand what Silica Dust can do to the human body. Adam is excellent at articulating the hazards of concrete batch plants.
Bill and his wife Jennifer moved into what will become the immediate impacted area 5 years ago. They selected the area based on what was then the county’s public 20-year plan and are willing to fight to retain the current neighborhood that surrounds us all. Bill has experience in being a general manager in the electronics recycling industry, working with Federal, State, and Local government agencies on permitting, licensing, and regulatory compliance. Bill is a great lead for our County Procedures and Zoning team.
Rachel brings her high energy and high-tech experience to the social media team. She is new to our area but loves the Pacific North West lifestyle. Rachel is focused on keeping our clean air, clean water, and a safe environment to raise her family and make our neighborhood a great place to live. Rachel is an expert at creating social media campaigns that drive our message to the community.
Tim comes to us as an experienced grassroots organizer. Additionally, he has experience organizing media coverage and moving initiatives forward with media and community support. Tim and his family relocated from Seattle, and he is a most welcome member of our leadership team.
David is a full time Data Analyst in Digital Marketing.
Retired Comptroller for a manufacturing company.
Our accounting, banking processes and tax returns will be prepared by Christina Gibford off Gibford CPA in San Luis Obispo, California.
We are always looking for ambitious, enthusiastic and entrepreuneurial people to join our team. If this sounds like you, drop us a line with what you can bring to our company that sets you apart from anyone else.