Below are links to articles that you can download to your computer or phone.
Above.pdf posted with the authors permission and all inquiries should be sent to John Nanney at
Freight Rail Dependent Use – FRDU
Heavy industrial along the tracks via up to mile long spur ways.
Key Issues are:
Current rail is not able to handle more than 15 cars.
Upgrades to the rails are necessary.
Vibration damaging nearby properties.
Possible run off contaminants to our water aquifers and wetlands.
Increased traffic stops / more semi-trucks on the roads. Safety issues along the tracks. Possible
derailments / hazardous cargo traveling through high residential areas.
Please plan to attend as many Tuesday county council meetings as possible. Every member of
the general public is granted 3 minutes of public speech time. Your comments are put into the
public record and high attendance of opposition will help our case. This is critical to build the
public opposition to the FRDU.
Monthly Council Meeting Schedule
1st Tuesday: 10 AM
2nd Tuesday: 1 PM (As Needed)
3rd Tuesday: 6 PM
4th Tuesday: 10 AM
Public service center
1300 Franklin Street, 6th floor
Vancouver, WA
This issue has long term effects for every neighborhood along the Chelatchie Prairie Rail Lines.
When Knife River backed out of the concrete batch plant, Jan Kelly said “our fight is not over”.
Protecting our neighborhood and our quality of life is an on-going effort. What goes on with
the rail lines will affect our quality of life, the safety of the roads that surround us, in addition to
the wetlands.
Please show up, provide comments, and go on the record. It is critical that you take action!
FDRU Commentary
Letter Writing Campaign
Download these letters to learn “How to” write your legislature
***Special thanks to John Grant and Amberglen for helping us to get these prepared!
Who to Contact
- State Senators in Olympia 2024
- State Representatives in Olympia 2024
- Environmental Gov Contacts
- WA State GOV Contacts 2023
- Clark County Councilors 2023
- Contact for the federal agencies
The SEPA checklist will provide the reader information on what the applicant needs to provide the county with the application for a conditional use permit. It also provides us an idea of what to look for in the report, and what to be prepared for in order to make a reasonable on point comment to the county.